Escaping to the UK with Study Abroad Global (SAG)
By Ouk Chan Vathanak, SAG Alumni
When I first heard about SAG, I thought about how great it would be to go to the UK. I was very interested and, after a talk with my parents, I decided to go on a SAG trip. I felt nervous and excited when the day of the trip finally came.
After arriving at Heathrow airport, we took group photos and waited for our escort to take us to our accommodation. Along the way, we got to see a lot of great scenery. The design of buildings and houses is very different from that of Cambodia. We reached our accommodation and were eager to see our rooms. After checking in to our rooms, we started planning some activities.

The next day, we went to school, where we spent our two weeks taking English classes. The teaching staff were extremely friendly and helpful. We greeted and introduced ourselves before eating lunch together. After that, we had our first class. Our teacher, Mark, was a very kind person. Each day we got together as a class and elaborated on our lives, so we could get to know and understand more about each other.
Throughout the two weeks of the trip, we also visited a lot of iconic places, such as London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Saint James Park and Buckingham Palace. The places we most enjoyed were the Science Museum and London Eye. While we were there, we took pictures of the lifestyle and culture we came across in London.

On Saturdays and Sundays, we went to Cambridge and Brighton. Both visits were very interesting, because each place has its own history and stories to tell. We took tons and tons of photos while we were there. During our last days, we felt exhausted, but were sad that we had to leave.
When our trip was over, we all packed our things, said our goodbyes and left for the airport. We had really enjoyed ourselves, and I think everyone would love to visit London again one day. I know I would!
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