High Score Achievers
ACE’s top students talk about their favourite activity and discuss their learning strategies for success
I’mACE Team
Chan Soknita, ACE Diploma Listening & Notetaking Skills
At ACE, I enjoy group activities as I get to improve my teamwork skills while practicing my English. My learning strategies involve watching my favourite English-speaking films to improve my language skills, especially listening and pronunciation, and practicing communication in English with my friends and family.
Chann Chhang Ngy, Advanced IELTS
My favourite assignment at ACE was the presentation practice in Diploma Public Speaking. I‘m always nervous and shy when delivering a presentation; however, my teacher helped me in many ways especially in building my confidence. The experience not only helped me in classroom activities, but also in real life communication. In the learning process, mistakes are the source of success, so don’t be afraid to make one!
Dareth Sovithiea, ACE Diploma Public Speaking
One of my favourite ACE tasks was giving a presentation on social issues in Cambodia, when I was in Level 9 of the General English Program. My top leaning strategy would be to have fun while learning.
Hai Pichrachana, ACE Diploma Creative Thinking & Problem Solving Skills
What I most enjoyed while studying at ACE was IELTS speaking preparation because I had the opportunity to improve my English speaking while also listening to my peers talking about themselves. If you want to improve your way of learning, listen to the advice a senior once gave me about time management; effective time management will help you tackle the workload and pressures of studying.
Khiev Chan Daneth, GEP Level 12
The best ACE project was doing research for a presentation as it helped me improve my reading skills as well as my confidence in speaking. The key to success? PRACTICE! The more you practice, the more likely you are to identify your weaknesses so you can develop strategies to improve them.
Lim Ching Y, GEP Level 12
One of my favourite class activities at ACE is IELTS speaking and listening practice because I get to communicate with my classmates and listen to different accents while becoming more familiar with the IELTS test structure. For learning strategies there is no substitute for practice. Practice can be done not only with the tasks assigned by your teachers, but also with practice tests available on the internet or at the Guided Individual Learning Centre (GILC) at every ACE campus.
Lim Kongvireak, ACE Diploma Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills
One of the best activities while studying at ACE was reporting an interesting topic assigned by my teacher. For learning strategies, my advice is to take regular breaks while studying.
Oeng Kong Hong, ACE Diploma Environment: Greening Our Future
Speaking and presenting are my favourite tasks because they improve my speaking, grammar and pronunciation. The top learning strategies that I would highly recommend are developing a strong reading habit, practicing speaking in front of the mirror as well as with your friends and teachers, and breaking out of your comfort zone; everything takes time.
Seng Rathvichmean, GEP Level 12
I enjoyed doing all the projects while studying at ACE. I like that I got to know my classmates while we completed work together. Self-study is one of the best ways to improve your English because even though we receive guidance from our teachers and practice with our classmates at school, there are also materials with which we can practice our English outside of class.
Sou Sathiak Leak Smey, ACE Diploma Academic Writing & Research
Not only are ACE projects and assignments fun and memorable, but they have also improved my communication skills. Throughout the years studying at ACE, my favourite assignment was a writing project, involving gathering information from my fellow classmates to produce a 500-word essay and later sharing our research and writing with the class. One of my most important strategies while learning is note-taking because it improves my memory and helps with revision.
Tep Mullika, ACE Diploma Creative Thinking & Problem Solving
I liked all the projects I was assigned when I studied at ACE. Every project has taught me many things, from teamwork to general knowledge. I also remember doing a project related to man-made architecture which I had known almost nothing about but ended up learning many things from the research. For learning strategies, I would always pay close attention to my teacher’s explanations and advice before doing extra research on my own.