Being an International Student at ACE

By Noppa Nukanda

Via some online research, I discovered that ACE is the best English language school in Phnom Penh. That is the reason I chose to enrol at ACE. At first, because I am a foreigner, I found it difficult to connect with other students. It took me a while to get along well with everyone, but now, I have a lot of Cambodian friends.


In Thailand, most people don’t speak a lot of English, but proficiency in English is nonetheless a bonus there. I’d like to be a flight attendant in the future: acquiring excellent English skills is the first step in my journey. My English skills have improved a lot since I started studying at ACE.

By Shi Zhaoxu

When I came to Cambodia, my English was so poor that I couldn’t understand what people were saying to me. Prior to studying at ACE, I had been to many English language schools, but my English proficiency had not improved. When I was looking for yet another English language school, many of my friends recommended that I attend the Australian Centre for Education (ACE). They consistently told me that ACE was the best English language school in Phnom Penh.


My experience at ACE has been very positive, and I have become friends with a lot of my classmates. We have studied in a supportive and warm atmosphere. I really enjoy each class that I spend with my classmates and teachers, who are all incredibly approachable and friendly.

Proficiency in English is important to me, especially because my other school’s subjects also involve English. Since I started studying at ACE, my English proficiency has improved dramatically: I have not failed one exam!

My teachers here are both fun and highly professional, and I never feel bored in class. Even though I am a foreigner, I never feel lonely, as my teachers are so helpful. I not only feel joyful studying English at ACE, but I am also having the best learning experience of my life.

By Koyama Shogo

I came to Cambodia for the first time as a tourist in 2012. At that time, I was 13 and I had never been abroad. I remember feeling really shocked by the cultural differences between Japan and Cambodia. Soon after that trip, I moved to Cambodia with my mother and brother and lived in Phnom Penh for one year before returning to Japan.

After I graduated from high school in Japan, I wanted to improve my proficiency in English, so I decided to return to Cambodia. Before I left Japan, my high school teacher told me, “ACE is the best English language school in Cambodia”. Accordingly, I decided to enrol at ACE.

ACE students are very kind, energetic and helpful towards each other. I think I made a good choice. I’m currently working at a Japanese restaurant in the evenings, which gives me plenty of opportunities to practice my English speaking skills. Each evening, I’m able to practice what I’ve learned that morning. I feel really satisfied and I really appreciate this new environment.

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