A Successful Information Session with the Australian Catholic University (ACU)
By I’mACE Team
First established in 1991, the Australian Catholic University (ACU) opened its doors with two main aims: to pursue knowledge and education, and to enhance people’s dignity and the common good. Its mission is to provide high quality learning experiences to students, and to promote diversity, accessibility, well-being and sustainability. ACU welcomes people from all cultures and religious faiths. At present, it has more than 33,000 students from over 160 countries and more than 2,300 highly qualified staff, with six campuses across Australia and one in Rome, Italy. ACU offers three types of university degree: Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD. It is admired and well-known both locally and internationally.
On 26 January 2019, ACU and IDP Education (Cambodia) held an information session at the Australian Centre for Education (ACE) Tuol Tom Poung campus. Elaine Koh, a representative from ACU, met with Cambodian students, parents and other individuals interested in studying at ACU. During the session, she provided important information about the university’s degree programs, courses, entry requirements and available scholarships. Those who attended the session had an opportunity to learn and have their questions answered directly.
The session was a great success, with more than 30 people taking part.
If you are interested in learning more about studying overseas, visit the IDP Education office at any ACE campus to receive free counselling.