Cambodia to Host One of the Largest TESOL Conferences in Asia: CamTESOL Conference 2020
The CamTESOL Conference Series is a premiere professional development and networking platform in the Asia-Pacific region. CamTESOL is hosted annually by IDP Education (Cambodia), a world leader in international student placement and education services with the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and key stakeholders in Cambodia and overseas.

The 16th CamTESOL Conference will be held in Phnom Penh on 7–9 February 2020 with the theme, “21st Century ELT: Approaches for Effective Practices”. It is set to welcome an audience of 1,700 delegates from over 30 countries around the world who are classroom teachers of English, teacher trainers, researchers in the fields of ELT and linguistics, administrators of English language schools and universities, and educators with an interest in international language education.

CamTESOL 2020 will deliver more than 500 presentation and workshop sessions. Speakers coming from around the world include Professor Roland Sussex (University of Queensland, Australia), Professor Gary Barkhuizen (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Professor Diane Larsen-Freeman (University of Michigan, USA), Dr Hanan Khalifa (Cambridge English Assessment, UK), Dr Marie Yeo (SEAMEO RELC, Singapore), Dr Khan Bophan, Institute of Foreign Languages, Cambodia), Mr Graham Braddick (Australian Centre for Education, Cambodia), Dr Patrick Pheasant (NEAS, Australia), Dr Keuk Chan Narith (Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia), Professor Fatchul Mu’in (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Indonesia), Dr Andrew Tweed (Meijo University, Japan) and Dr Pornpimol Sukavatee (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand).

“We’ve been watching CamTESOL from afar for over a decade. It was like a little mini-United Nations with people from all over Southeast Asia and from other parts of the world. It was such a wonderful meeting ground for teachers to share ideas with one another”, said Professor Fredricka L. Stoller, a plenary speaker at a previous CamTESOL.
“At the Australian Centre for Education (ACE), we have seen teachers attend the conference and return with practical resources that they are able to incorporate into their classrooms and other aspects of their work. I encourage all teachers in the ELT field to consider attending this conference, as I have witnessed the positive impacts it has had on the teachers at my school”, said ACE Principal, Ashley Irving.
CamTESOL 2020 will also host leading international publishers and relevant institutions at the CamTESOL exhibition and networking floor.
“With the support of relevant embassies and institutions, CamTESOL has been able to provide sponsorship to hundreds of teachers of English from provincial public schools across Cambodia to come to experience CamTESOL every year. This is a unique professional development opportunity to learn, share and network with some of the world renowned ELT experts and colleagues from around the world”, said Mao Sreng, CamTESOL Convenor and Country Director of IDP Education.
Registration for CamTESOL 2020 can be done on-line: