The Exhilarating ACE 2016 Grand Final Debate Competition
By Lili Castille
The ACE 2016 Grand Final Debate Competition at the Samdech Pan campus was a great success. The attendance of 75 guests and participants made for a lively time for all. The resolution for the thrilling first and second rounds was “The United Nations has failed.”
The contestants for the first round on the Proposition team were the splendid debaters: Chea Tita, Lay Chea Vita, and Pith Pagna Rith. They were supported by their reserves: Huy Panhavorn and Sous Pichsopha , who were standing by, ready to take over the helm. Their intrepid mentor was Vattanaroth Ngoun and their devoted teacher was Andrew Tattersall.
The Opposition team for the first round was comprised of the remarkable debaters: Naret Narita, Thach Pona Morokath and Pith Pagna Rasmey along with their reserves: Dareth, Sophearith, Sreng Laymey and Nim Socheata. Their hard-working mentor was Sunheng Sok. Their stalwart teachers were Kathlyn Hinesley and Andrew Tattersall. Both teams were from the ACE Santhor Mok campus.
In the exciting second round, the competitors on the Proposition team were the talented debaters Chhar Ninin, Tieng Kimleng and Sam Neang Mony, along with their steadfast reserves: Chhay Chansocheat and Phum Tit Chan Phirum. Their diligent mentor was Veronica Pou and their zealous teacher was Melissa Tolomeo from the Santhor Mok campus.
The opposition team was comprised of the impressive debaters Kheng Sofrawith, SeakPor and Kha Sopheavy, with Sok Sopheap serving as the reserve. Their enthusiastic mentor was Tepy Suon and their effervescent teacher was Judith Bolley from Samdech Pan campus.
The exemplary panel of five seasoned judges included Ashley Irving, Visal Sou, Thida Sok, Reaksmeypich Klaing and Lance Castille.
The thought provoking resolution for the thrilling final round was “University education should be free”. The finalists were the first two teams, both from Andrew Tattersall’s classes. Contestants had only twenty minutes in which to prepare their arguments. It was a riveting debate in which the two teams battled with their wits and debate skills. By a close decision, the Proposition team – Chea Tita, Lay Chea Vita, and Pith Pagna Rith – won, with the Opposition team coming in a close second place. The third place winners were Judith’s team, who made a courageous effort and proved to be worthy adversaries.
The First Place winners each received beautiful crystalline trophies, gold medals, certificates and one-year scholarships. The runners-up were awarded silver medals, certificates and two-term scholarships. The semi-finalists received ACE backpacks and certificates.
There will be more sensational events in 2017. Come and join the Public Speaking and Debate course, which was the most popular course in 2016 with 600 students! The advanced Public Speaking and Debate 2 course and the Debate Club will offer new and exciting activities, along with the opportunity of competing in the first round of Season 2 competitions in March, 2017. ACE will be looking to host the national debate competitions next year, and you could be among the lucky contestants!
We also had two fantastic public speakers who presented their speeches at the Grand Finals: Sok Sonita whose inspiring topic was “The Beauty Within Ourselves” and Khathtiya Sambeuti whose helpful topic was “Overcoming Depression.” These speeches were so well received by the audience that we will be introducing Public Speaking competitions in the new year. This will be your chance to come join the fun and entertain audiences with your speech-making prowess.
A big “Thank You” to all our 2016 contestants, teacher, mentors, organizers and guests for making this an exhilarating and riveting Grand Final competition.
We thank everyone for their valiant efforts and we look forward to seeing you in the Debate Club, class and competitions in 2017.