A year as an ACE Student Ambassador
Ing Chandavya
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015

It has been almost a year since I started my mandate as one of the ACE student ambassadors. I can feel that this program is very beneficial to me. We involved in lots of events, including the 1st annual Global Alumni Convention, an ultimate networking event for students and other successful people. We also participated in framing and organizing fun events such as the Christmas and the Khmer New Year event. I have never done such things prior to participating in this program. This program taught me to be more sociable, to work as a team in order to create and give a perfect event for students and people, and it improved my communication skill. I would say that this program is so good and ACE students should apply for this position since it is like taking another learning class. Not an artistic class, but a socialist class in which students can learn new skills, work independently with responsibility, and create networking with othergreat people. Participating in this program is one of my best experiences because at the time that my university life is stressful, I can enjoy the new activities and learn new things at the same time.
Thai Sokcheng
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
It is my great honor and pleasure to work as a student ambassador at ACE. In only one year, I have done a lot of things. Before handling this position, I had expected to gain my working experience and strengthen my confidence and communication skills, and I finally did it. In addition, the most memorable experiences I have during my term include attending and organizing many school events, joining media training sessions with Mr. Chris and made some incredible marks together, and doing voice recording for the new 7th grade textbook with other students, teachers and IDP staff. Being the ACE student ambassador is a once in a lifetime experience!
Tum Sopheak
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
I have learnt a lot since the first day I was named as a student ambassador. This program has indirectly taught me how to build self-confidence as well as leadership. Plus, I also notice that my teamwork skill has improved significantly since I had many opportunities to work with different people to reach a particular objective. I also have to admit that every moment of life here has always been great. I had an amazing ASA team. We worked and we had fun under nice atmosphere together. I feel like we are family now. I love all of them.
Pheng Raksa
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
My name is Pheng Raksa. The time is going so fast that I have been as ACE student ambassador for one year and my decline of being as ASA is on June 26 2015. As being an member of ASA for one year, I have learned lots of new things and got many experiences which I have not done them before. Comparing to the first day that I worked as an ASA member and now, I have changed a lot of things. At the beginning of this program, I felt really nervous and did not have any confident to play a role as an ASA because i was not really close with other member and I always think that i do not have enough ability to do those work well. However, now i gain a lot of confidence to be in society to meet many new people. I also learnt a lot about the way to work as a team and to be as a good member.
Hor Tony
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 - 2015
It’s almost been a year that I have joined the ACE Student Ambassador Program. I have been through many experimental, fun and incredible activities. At the start of the program, I was in many trainings or workshop sessions that provided by ACE. By joining those activities, we get to know more about products and services provided by IDP and learn many new skills such as photographing, and interviewing. Moreover, I have been able to participate in various events organized by IDP and ACE including Global Alumni Convention (GAC), International Exchange Cafe (IEC) and BEP Networking event where I can meet many successful people and learn from their experience. Networking is one of the priceless benefits of this program. Most importantly, this program introduces me the process of event organizing. My team and I got two chances to organise two events for ACE, ACE Khmer New Year Celebration and ACE Christmas Celebration. These are the best experience ever for me because I can learn such new things such as sponsorship seeking, event planning, leading and organizing. Additionally, the most appreciated benefit is being able to know and learn about the structure of organization. Since my major is business administration, I get to learn a lot about management skill and organizational structures. For instance, when I study about theories, IDP is always the best example for me, and it is really easy to understand. Finally, I just can say that it is the best program ever and is where I am introduced to a new world.
Noun Sonisa
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
As a former ACE Student Ambassador, I am grateful for opportunities the program afforded me. I would have to say that my time as an ASA had to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my study year. During my mandate, not only Did I get to help organising various school events and meet many nice people, but I also gained communication skills which is a strong asset for me as a student especially friendship I made with the other 12 ambassadors are connections that will last a lifetime. I highly encourage all individuals considering applying for the ACE Student Ambassador program. You will never regret the knowledge you will gain, the people you will meet, and the fun you will have!
Chhum Kannika
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
Initially, I was glad that I chose to be an ACE Student Ambassador. One year passed, I look back from what I have started as ASA there were many events that I had joined and experiences that I gained. I learned lots of works from the ACE/IDP staffs and ASA members. For example, like how to work as one team, how to take responsibility work individual, how to organized the events smoothly and encouraged me to speak or express my ideas in public. So, the experiences will lead me to improve my study skills and demonstrates the career for my future. Finally, for students who are interested to apply for ASA position next year, I hope you do well and put your effort into works. Plus, if you want to have a really good practice and gain your knowledge, ASA position is suitable for ACE students to experience.
Yin Kokcheng
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
Being a Student Ambassador has been awesome for me. I and my fellow ambassadors were carefully trained and allowed to expose to real working experiences through attending, facilitating and organizing events. I admit that, with my low time management skill, my academic performance was somehow affected after I joined the program. However, it not only let me realize my weaknesses but it also constitutes a platform for me to learn to overcome those hurdles. Through those up-and-down experiences, I was trained to stand up every time I am dragged down. Not forget to mention, there has no comparison to the people I have met and the connections I have made. With the assistance from supportive individuals, I feel so comfortable, and I have some of the best friendships I could have ever asked for. The program gave me the chance to be an active part of the school and I encourage everyone to become a part. It’s a great chance to be an active member of your education!
Sar Huy Ling
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
As an ACE Student Ambassador, I feel really proud to see our achievements, not mine but ours. Before the program, I was a simple girl who never knew what the outside world looked like and somehow, I was lack of confidence and never dare to try something new. I was always scared to speak out. Now, I can say that I have something that schools can never teach me, it is leadership. I become someone new, I am now more mature and I’m not scared to speak out anymore. I have to confess that, I joined ACE Student Ambassador Program because at first I only thought that I would become cool being a Student Ambassador of ACE but I was completely wrong. This program wasn’t designed to make us look cool but it was designed to help us strengthen our weaknesses. We see one another’s weak points from time to time, so that as friends, we can always help improve them. Now the mandate has ended, I’m now leaving with many friends whose names I can never forget
I would strongly recommend ACE students to apply for the positions this year.
Vong Sambath
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
Being as ACE Student Ambassador for the first mandate 2014-2015, I have participated in many event so far. All of those events are great and enjoyable. I am really excited and enthusiastic to join all of the events. Similarly, I have learned a lot. I have become more confident in what I am doing and about my future orientation. Participating in many activities has changed my way of thinking. It opened my mind to be optimistic, build network with other people who I haven’t known them before and many more things. Moreover, I have done so many things like helping organize the event such as ACE Khmer New Year Celebration, ACE Christmas Celebration, etc which allowed me to develop my skills. All of the job really give me many experiences and build a lot of capacity. It pay-less but princess! Furthermore, it also provides us with renewed creativity, motivation, and vision that can carry over into our personal and professional life.
Thea Dadara
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
What I have learned at ACE as an English learner is good, but far more important what I have been doing at ACE as an ASA. It is wonderful to be the one who can eradicate my weaknesses and turn them along the way to my strengths like reinforcing my confidence, adopting myself to work as a team with my crews in manners of good collaboration, strong commitment or considerably hard working, and curiously getting new experience, knowledge, and other enjoyable activities across the year.
Koy Ratanak Monique
ACE Student Ambassador 2014 – 2015
Though it has only been a short time, I have exposed myself to many environments that I have never imagined I could ever experience before. Frankly speaking, I have learned so much more apart from just “studying” from textbooks. Through our media and story workshop, I seized the opportunity to expose myself to using the cameras which was somewhat an unfamiliar field to me and expanding my leadership and communication skills to a higher level, as well as learning to take responsibilities. Moreover, it was such a tremendous experience to be able to work as a team and individual wherein such creative ideas were distributed to making our first ever film.