When I Grow up...

Lyly Lay is a 17-year-old student at UHS and as a part of her GEP 8 class she wrote a short essay about what she wants to do when she grows up. You can find her essay below:

There are millions of careers nowadays such as accountant, lawyer, actor, singer, doctor, dentist, engineer, professor and so on. Deciding on a career is not easy for everyone. People always have different skills and favourites. Some people already have a plan for their future, but some people do not have one yet.

For the past decade, since I was in Grade One or Two in primary school, people always asked me “What did I want to do when I grew up?” My answer was “I don’t know”, because I was just a kid and I hadn’t thought about it yet. In the same way, I tried to ask myself “What do I want to do in the future?” In Grade Four, my teacher told me that the laws in our country are limited, so I wanted to adjust this bad situation to be better. As a result, I decided to become a lawyer. A lawyer is a person who practices or studies law and whose obligation is to uphold the law while also protecting their clients’ rights. In addition, I wanted to uphold justice for everyone. One more thing is that when I was young, I dreamed to become a rich person. Isn’t that funny? I thought this job could earn me a lot of money.

Currently, I am studying at the University of Health Sciences. My major is dentistry. I think everyone can change their mind in a simple way. I changed my mind when I finished Grade Twelve because the medical care system in our country at the moment is getting worse and worse as a result of some medical practitioners’ bad behaviour. That’s why I chose to become a dentist: to raise this system up. My family also supported me to choose this major too, because they all love it.

Some people are wondering why I chose this skill because I am a girl and I will need to study for a long time. It is rare that girls study this major, but I do not care about that. I just want to brighten my future with knowledge.

In the future, I hope I will become a good dentist to everyone. I will try my best in this major and I will research something new to make my dream come true.


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