ACE Siem Reap Campus has its 1st Environmental Awareness Day

By Raninn Sinketh

Environmental Awareness Day was celebrated on the second day of the ACE Open Days in Term 1 2018. All of that day’s activities were designed to match the main focus of the day, which was recycling and the environment. The whole ACE Siem Reap Campus had been decorated with Recycling Project posters the day before, in order to show the outstanding work of ACE’s Young Learners’ (YL) students, who had worked so hard on the project. Every poster shows our students’ creativity and their ideas for a greener environment. These posters really impressed and amazed their parents who came to join the event.

Students presenting their project

There were activities both inside and outside the building, but most of them were outside. The activities included presentations from ACE’s YL and Diploma Program students, as well as workshops from Rehash Trash and Jaya House River Park, two NGO projects that have been working on greening the environment in Siem Reap and Cambodia. In addition, there was Genius Station, I-creativity, a writing competition, a Green Day Demo Class and Parent-Teacher meetings. We were delighted to have such an enthusiastic atmosphere. The most important thing is that we were able to directly communicate with parents and students about environmental issues and come up with a lot of useful solutions through Q & A sessions. Moreover, some parents and students also won prizes as a result of correctly answering questions during an environmental quiz activity.


William Coward, ACE Siem Reap's Campus Manager and a group of students

Every booth was busy, but the busiest one was probably Genius Station, where students created things from the recycled items that had already been collected. We provided some materials like scissors and glue, and students used newspapers, plastic bags, plastic bottles and cans to create things like flowers, toys, paper bags and pen holders. It was really great to see that they actually understood the importance of recycling and showed a lot of interest in all the activities we ran, which means we were able to send the significant message to our students to carry on the belief and culture of environmental responsibility.

A group of students using recycled materials to create their own crafts


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