Over 950 Participants Attended the IDP Study in Australia Interview Program 2018
By I'mACE Team
On 15 March, representatives from more than 46 Australian institutions participated in the IDP Study in Australia Interview Program in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. There were more than 950 students and parents joining this one-day event held at Hotel Cambodiana.
Students going through pre-counselling prior to entering the exhibition
The event continues to be the best forum for Cambodian students and their parents to meet face-to-face with prestigious schools, universities and education providers from across Australia. Participating institutions represent study options from secondary school through vocational training and postgraduate study. Students and their parents are invited to find out more information on study options and the application process at the IDP Study in Australia Interview Program for free.
“This is not my first time here. I am very happy to be here and to offer information about our various school subjects and courses to Cambodian Students” Ms Angelidis Olympia, Representative of Victoria Government School
“It is good to be back here today. I am here to tell students about different study opportunities in Australia and the best way to maximize their education result while they study in overseas.” Mr Nicholas Marriot, Representative of Swinburne University of Technology
Joining the Australian institutions at the exhibition were representatives from the Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh, the Department of Home Affairs (HA) to answer questions on student visa application requirements and processing. The Australian Centre for Education (ACE) was in attendance to discuss opportunities to study the English language to meet the requirements of Australian education institutions. Representatives from the IELTS Cambodia Official Test Centre also were on hand to advise on test registration and preparation.
Mr Sreng Mao, IDP Country Director
“This is a unique opportunity for any Cambodian student considering studying abroad,” said Sreng Mao, IDP Country Director. “In light of ASEAN Economic Integration, obtaining an international education can be one of the most powerful assets for Cambodians in order to compete in the job market,” he added. An ever-increasing number of Cambodians are now choosing to include a component of overseas study in their education plans, believing it to ensure the competitive edge for their future careers. Australia is proving to be a popular choice as many hundreds of Cambodians have headed ‘down under’ to pursue further qualifications each year.
“I want to study in Australia because it has been my dream since I was young. Attending the Study in Australia Interview Program today allowed me to learn more about school
regulations and many other important pieces of information about studying abroad.” CHANG Pisey, Toul Tom Poung High School Student
Australian Education Networking Reception & Exhibition Launch
The previous evening a reception was held which launched the IDP Study in Australia Interview Program, the Australian Alumni Awards Ceremony and the Welcome Home Australian Alumni. The event was co-hosted by IDP Education and the Australian Embassy and in cooperation with IELTS and the Australian Alumni Association of Cambodia (AAA-C).
HE Yuok Ngoy, Secretary of State of MoEYS
Ms Ruth Stewart Chargè d’Affaires, Australian Embassy Cambodia
This unique networking opportunity brought together key players in the education sector including HE Yuok Ngoy, Secretary of State of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Ms Ruth Stewart Chargè d’Affaires, Australian Embassy Cambodia, Mr Sreng Mao, IDP Education (Cambodia) Country Director, senior Australian Embassy and ministry officials, Australian education institution representatives, Australian alumni, local education institution representatives, IDP staff and stakeholders.
HE Yuok Ngoy, Secretary of State of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport said “Education is the foundation of the relationship between Cambodia and Australia. Australian alumni return to Cambodia to make significant contributions to the human resource capital of Cambodia. Building and nurturing the nation’s human resources through education, training, and employment, continues to be one of the most important priorities of the 5th mandate of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
The Australian Education Networking Reception was a great success with over 370 attendees. We are looking forwards to next year’s IDP Study in Australia Interview Program and the Australian Education Networking Reception
Participating Institutions in Study in Australia Interview Program: