Opening of the Fifth ACE Campus in Tuol Kork
Established by IDP Education in 1992, the Australian Centre for Education (ACE) opened its new Campus in Tuol Kork on 9th January making it the fifth ACE campus offering English education in the Kingdom.
ACE is a leader in the provision of English Language Teaching in Cambodia and in the region with its 26 years of operation in Cambodia catering to demand of student from all ages with its English for Children (CP), English for Young Learners (YP), General English as well as advance d English courses for those going to study abroad, working professionals, business executives and Government Officials. ACE currently provides English classes to over 18,000 students of more than 20 nationalities each academic term with four campuses in Phnom Penh and one campus in Siem Reap.
As part of its quality assurance framework, ACE worked with peer and professional bodies including the National ELT Accreditation Scheme of Australia (NEAS)
As English is the official ASEAN language, the ACE Diploma in English program (which includes Academic English, Business English and English for ASEAN) now sets the standard in professional language education in Cambodia.
The ACE campus in Tuol Kork (ACE TK campus) had over 1,600 students enrolled for its first academic term (Jan-Mar).
The ACE TK classrooms are equipped with advanced technology in a friendly academic setting to provide the highest quality of resources to students and teachers; the guided individual learning centre (GILC) as a space for self-learning; office space for staff and teachers to support their needs; spacious areas for various uses and events; and a large parking lot to ensure students and staff can safely park their car or motorcycle.
Not only does this new campus build the capacity for ACE but it also houses IDP Education’s other businesses. There is an IELTS registration office and a Study Abroad Resource Centre with IDP counsellors available for a free counselling session and other study abroad services.
Overall, the new ACE Tuol Kork campus provides a platform for IDP Education to continue to expand their services in the Phnom Penh community helping to support students in all stages of their international education journey.